
Thursday 8th December 2011

In this lesson me and Hollie, created a filming plan, so we knew when and where we would be filming. Also it would include who we would be filming with and what props and costume we needed. This would make sure we wasn't going off task and that everything would be completed in time. Below is my filming plan....

Who is involved?

o   Andrew Hindson
o   Gill Kincell
o   Maisie Marsh
o   Penny the cat
o   Louis and Maisie the dogs

What’s their role?

o   Andrew- Main role, man on a mission
o   Gill- Old Lady
o   Maisie – Little girl on bike
o   Penny – the cat
o   Louis and Maisie – savage dogs

Where will filming take place?

o   Andrew’s house
o   Gatewood Grange Farm
o   Gill Kincell’s house and road
o   Tom’s house
o   Bus stop – cemetery road

When will you film? – MUST MAKE SURE ANDREW’S COAT IS MUCKY (if it is when falling off the horse) AFTER THE HORSE SCENE

19th December 2011
·         Little girl on bike – bus stop
·         Old lady and cat scene
20th December 2011
·         Inside Andrew’s house
·         Horse scene
·         Lane scene (cars) – breaking down facial expressions too
·         Bacon Sandwich scene
21st December 2011
·         Anything else if needed

What other factors need to be considered?

·         Continuity
o   Clothing
o   Extras
o   Background movement
·         Props
o   Bike – girly and pink
o   Fat suit and short blonde wig – Andy look- a- like
o   Hollie’s car
o   Tom’s car
o   Stuffed toy cat (white)
o   Bacon Sandwich
o   Old Lady clothing – head scarf, walking stick etc.
o   Toilet sign
o   Bag of crisps
o   Doll to represent Maisie

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