
8th September 2011

The first decision in A2 media was to decide if we was going to work in a team or as an individual, and from this I decided to work with Hollie Smith. After this Mrs Williams showed us what types of portfolio we could do, there was Trailers, Short films and more. Me and Hollie decided to do a Horror trailer, as we thought that we could produce a pretty good outcome. We also had to produce a film poster and a front cover of a magazine to go along side the trailer itself. We then started to look at possible story lines, target audience, characters and any titles of the film, and together me and Hollie got a bunch of ideas together that we would test and then come up with a final outcome. We decided that it would be a 15+ as most horror films are this age range as more can be shown within the film, such as gore, blood and violence. The name we liked the most for our film was "The Lumberjack" and we would base the story about a mad axed murderer and we'd make sure we would follow the codes and conventions of a typical horror trailer.

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